Be in His Purpose Podcast | Helping Women Conquer Their Fear Through Faith

Finding Your Identity in Christ: 3 keys to fully embrace your identity in Christ

Yvonne Paschal Season 1 Episode 1

We are diving deep into how you can find your identity in Christ.
If you've ever struggled with self-doubt or insecurity, feeling like you're not good enough or where you fit in the Kingdom of God, this episode is for you.

Join me on this episode as we talk about the truth of who you are in Christ, how to let go of the lies the world or enemy tells you and how to walk boldly in the identity that God has given you.

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Music credit: Music by Mike Kripak from Pixabay

Speaker 1:

Welcome my sisters to my first episode of Be In His Purpose podcast, where I encourage, empower and equip kingdom-purpose-driven women to step into the fullness of who God has called them to be. I'm Yvonne Paschal, and today we're diving deep into a topic that I know is on the hearts of many of you—f finding your identity in Christ. Now, if you've ever struggled with self-doubt, insecurity or just felt like you didn't know who you were or where you fit in the kingdom of God, this episode is for you. We're going to talk about the truth of who you are in Christ and how to let go of the lies. The world tells you how to walk boldly in the identity that God has given you and I so grab your journal, grab your Bibles, settle in and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

I want to begin with a powerful scripture that lays the foundation for who we are in Christ. 1 Peter, 2, 9 through 10. In the word says but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, god's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy. But now you have received mercy. Sisters, let that sink in for just a moment. God says you are chosen, you are royal, holy and precious. You and I are not just anyone. We're not just something, someone, just anybody. We are daughters of the King, of the Most High God.

Speaker 1:

And yet how often, including myself, do we forget that? I know there's times where we can easily slip back into the old ways of thinking that we are not who he says we are. How often do we allow the world, the enemy, or our circumstances, or even our own, you know insecurities? Tell us who we are. How often? Tell us who we are. How often? And so many Christian women walk around feeling like they're not enough, like they're inadequate or unworthy of God's purpose for their lives.

Speaker 1:

I've been there, and yet I'm one who can still struggle with that For sure. Maybe you've been there, maybe you've felt stuck in your past, in the mistakes that you've made, maybe in the labels that others have put on you or spoken over you. And I, I get it. I've been there too. I have been there too. There is truth. Truth, though, there is truth.

Speaker 1:

Your past and mine does not define us. Our identity is not found in what we've done or where we've been, and even where we may in the future go, and even where we may in the future go. It is who God says we are. That is where our identity is. That is what defines us. The God who created the heavens and the earth, who created you and me, he is the one who says who we are. He is the one who says who we are. He is our creator. There is nothing else on this earth or any place that has any right to say who we are.

Speaker 1:

In a world that's constantly trying to put labels and label you and I, whether it's as not good enough, not beautiful enough, not successful enough, there's this constant comparison going on. You know God is saying wait a minute, you are mine, remember this, you are mine, and when you are his, there is no other label, there is no word, no other identity, no thought, nothing that can stand against that, because his word is truth, his word stands and is truth. So I want us to just talk about some of the lies that we can get stuck in and believe and maybe there's been times where we've believed it for a long time and the enemy uses these lies to keep us discouraged, distracted all of the above from walking fully into our identity. I know you know, before I say these, I know these are some that I've also have believed at a time in my life. Where you're not good enough to be used by God, you'll never overcome your past. You're too broken, too flawed, too damaged, damaged. How many times have we've heard some of those and believed them as if they were true? They are lies. They are lies and the enemy wants us to believe them because if we do, you know, we'll never fully step into the fullness of what God has called us to. Right. If we're stuck in believing that we're not good enough to be used by God or that our past is defining who we are, it will be, it's going to be that much more difficult for us to take a step into what God has for us. It will, it will be very difficult, very difficult, and so the enemy wants us to believe those lies because if we do, then we'll never step into the fullness of what God has called us to.

Speaker 1:

But remember, here's the truth God can use anyone, including you and I, to fulfill his purposes. In Ephesians 2.10, it tells us that we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which he prepared in advance for us to do. He prepared good works for you to do. So it doesn't matter what the world says, what the enemy says, even what that little voice of doubt in your head says. God says you're more than enough. He says you're chosen, you are called, you are equipped, you are anointed. For such a time as this.

Speaker 1:

We have to hold on to that truth. We have to come back to it every single time, every single day when we are confronted with the lies, the doubts, the thoughts, with what the world is saying. We have to come back to that every single time. So how do we shift from believing the lies to fully embracing our identity in Christ? And I think we need to get practical here. Practical three steps, three practical steps here.

Speaker 1:

Because knowing the truth, that's just one, that's one piece of it. We can know it, we can believe it, we can believe it, but then it's going to require action, living it out, living it out. And so one we need to get into the word. It starts with getting into the word of god, the truth, the truth. The more time that you spend in God's word, the more you'll see his heart for you. You'll be able to hear what it is that he has to say in his word. You'll be able to sense and know he is speaking his truth into your life. The Bible is like a mirror. It reflects the truth of who God says that you are.

Speaker 1:

So when those feelings of insecurity and doubt start to creep in and we know this will come and doubt start to creep in, and we know this will come. This may even come later today, ladies, I want you to hear me, this may even come later today, after you've heard this podcast. When those feelings of insecurity and doubt creep in, you need to have his word as your foundation. You need to have the word of God and truth as your foundation and rock. He is our foundation. We need to meditate, draw back, come back to in remembrance of scriptures that speak the truth and the whole truth. So 2 Corinthians, 5, 17, which says Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new is here. God's word, his word, will rewire our thinking, our thoughts. It will transform our mind and help us to see ourselves the way that he sees us.

Speaker 1:

Number two is we need to replace lies with truth, and definitely a great way is to draw lies with truth, and definitely a great way is to draw into his word. That is one way that we can do that. But another way is we have to actively replace the lies of the enemy with God's truth, god's truth. So every time that we hear that inner voice, we hear the enemy speaking telling us you're not enough, I want you to stop and speak the opposite. Speak it out loud. Instead of saying I'm not enough, say I am chosen by God. I am enough. Instead of saying I'm too flawed, say I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139, 14. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Speaker 1:

We replace the lies with truth. We don't want to let the lies or just let the lies sit there and get comfortable and creep in. We don't want that Because we're not in agreement with that, because it's a lie from the pit of hell. It is a lie. Because it's a lie from the pit of hell. It is a lie. So we have to replace it and speak the life giving words that God has said over us. We speak what he has said in his word. Who we are. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am chosen by God. We replace it with truth and we've got to speak it. It has to come out of your mouth. Okay, that's an important key. Don't just keep it inside and right. Yes, the thought is is yes, think the truth and and and into your thoughts. But there's something about when. Got to speak it out, when these times come and reject. By doing that, we are rejecting the lies. I am not in agreement with that. I reject that lie. I rebuke that lie in Jesus' name. All right, so we must combat, because this is a battle. This is a battle. We must combat the lies with scripture, with the word Write down.

Speaker 1:

If you have to write down your affirmations based on the Word of God and declare those over yourself every single day. If you have to write scriptures and put them all in every single room of your house, everywhere you go, you have scriptures around you. Where you just you have them visibly upon your eyes at all times. If you like, do that, do that. Okay, I can tell you, in my home there are scriptures in every single room. I mean, it's nothing fancy, it's their own post-it notes, most of them. In every single room you will see a scripture, a couple scriptures, a few scriptures. In some rooms. You will see them and you hold on to those. You hold on to those. Okay, my daughter has put a lot of the scripture post-it notes along in every room, a lot of the scripture post-it notes along in every room.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you, there is something about having the word, the truth, around you, around you and in your presence. God himself in your presence, god himself in your presence, right, and we must declare them over ourselves every day. Declare his truth over yourself every day. And lastly, the third thing. These are three suggestions, three tips. This is not all inclusive, but the third one is to pray and listen to God's voice.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we need to be spending time in prayer and listening to what God is saying. Prayer is not a one-way conversation. Prayer is me giving what the Lord already knows and speaking that, giving it to Him and allowing Him to speak to me. We need that. We want God to speak to us. We need to know what it is that he wants us to do. We want God to speak to us, right, we need to know what it is that he wants us to do. We need a word from God. We need to hear his voice. So we need to be spending time in prayer and listening to what he is saying.

Speaker 1:

You see, god doesn't just speak through his word. He speaks to you and I on a personal, intimate, close level, and a lot of times he will speak to you in a way that makes sense most to you. I'll give you an example. I love music, I love to sing, I love everything about that, and there will be times where the Lord will speak to me through a song, through a worship song, and maybe it was the lyric in it, maybe it was the melody, it was something, and he used it because he knew that was where I could, that was something I love, and he would speak to me through that On a deep, intimate level. He knows you on a deep level. He created you so he knows how to communicate with you on an intimate, deep level, so he can speak not just through his word. There are many ways that the Lord can speak to us.

Speaker 1:

All right, and we'll talk about that in future podcast episodes, but we need to spend time with the Lord and when he speaks, it is always life. Giving, it is truth, giving it is compassionate, it is loving. It is compassionate, it is loving, it is graceful, it is gentle and more. Spend time in his presence. Journal what you sense that he's saying. Write it down and then ask him to reveal more about who you are in him. And then ask him to reveal more about who you are in him. And when you begin to see yourself the way he sees you, your life will never be the same.

Speaker 1:

Once you know who you are in Christ, you have to live it out, we must, we must live it out. The world is full of opportunities to get distracted, to get distracted, discouraged, pulled back into some old ways of thinking. But I want to challenge you and I today to stand firm in the truth. We must live with boldness. God has called us to live boldly for him. He did not give us a spirit of timidity. No, boldness, with confidence, with the assurance that God has called you by name. Let us walk in our identity, not as someone who's striving to be enough for someone, something. No, that is someone who is already enough in Christ. You are loved, you are valued and you are purposed for great things in his kingdom.

Speaker 1:

So, before we close this podcast, I want to leave you with some encouragement, and it's God has not forgotten you, he sees you, he knows you and he's working in your life. Even when you can't see it, even when it hasn't been made visible, it hasn't come to pass yet, you can't see it by faith, we know he is working. He is working all things for good. He hasn't forgotten you, friend. Your identity is rooted in him, not in the world, and as you continue to seek him, you will discover more and more of who he's called you to be.

Speaker 1:

Sisters, I pray that this message has encouraged you today. If you're struggling to find your identity in Christ, know that you are not alone. God is with you and he will never forsake you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. I want you to walk away from today's episode feeling confident in whose you are, who you are in Christ. Thank you so much for joining me today. If this episode has blessed you, share it with a sister who needs to be reminded of her identity in Christ. Until next time, stay strong, be encouraged and keep walking in your purpose.