Be in His Purpose Podcast | Helping Women Conquer Their Fear Through Faith

3 Powerful Ways to Understand God's Purpose for Your Life

Yvonne Paschal Season 1 Episode 5

What if discovering your purpose was simpler than you'd ever imagined? On this episode of the Be In His Purpose podcast, I cover how to unlock your divine calling through strengthening your relationship with God. We explore how intimacy with Him through prayer, attentive listening, and immersing yourself in His word can illuminate the path He's laid out for you. It's about recognizing those unique gifts and passions that aren't just random but are deliberate pointers guiding you toward a life of service and glory to God.

Join me as we uncover the profound truth that God's purpose for us isn't a hidden mystery. It's a journey to deepen our connection with Him, embracing those moments of waiting with trust and patience. You'll learn practical steps to identify your strengths and passions, drawing you closer to fulfilling your divine mission. Don't forget, you're crafted on purpose, for a purpose, and by nurturing your relationship with God, clarity and confidence in your calling will naturally follow. Share your testimonies in the Apple Podcasts comments or simply hit subscribe to ensure you stay inspired with every episode.

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Music credit: Music by Mike Kripak from Pixabay

Speaker 1:

Hey friends, and welcome to Be In His Purpose podcast. I'm Yvonne Paschal, your host and coach here to inspire and empower Christian women to step into their God-given purpose with faith and confidence. Are you uncertain of where God is calling you? Do you struggle with how to understand His purpose on your life and what that is? Well, you're in the right place, because today we're going to dive into an important topic that I know many of us have questions about and I myself was at this same crossroad at one time in my journey and that's understanding God's purpose for your life. If you've ever felt stuck or unsure of your gifts or wondered why God has placed certain dreams on your heart, then this episode is for you. So today I'll walk you through three powerful ways to understand God's purpose for your life. So I want you to grab a journal, grab your Bible, cup of coffee, cup of tea, whatever helps you and let's dive in. So the number one way and I think this is the most important way to understand God's purpose for your life is by strengthening your relationship with him. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29, 11, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. But here's the thing to fully trust God's plan, you need to know the planner right. We need to know our creator, we need to know the one who has all the answers, who has already a vision of what is to come. He has all of it. So we need to come close to the one who knows what we don't, come close to the one who knows what we don't. Right Purpose really starts with intimacy with God. So, just like any close relationship, you could apply this to a best friend, you could apply it to your spouse, you could apply it to any relationship right. The more time that you spend with that person, the more you're going to come to understand them, better know you know maybe, their personality, better You're going to know. Sometimes you'll even be able to know what they're going to say before they even say it. Sometimes you may even know finish their sentence right. Have you ever found yourself doing that with a close friend or spouse? The more time you spend with the Lord, the more you'll understand his desire for your life. So let's break this down into just some actionable steps that we can take.

Speaker 1:

So number one is prayer and listening. We've got to do both here. Prayer isn't just about asking for things. It isn't just about making my requests known to God. It's also about listening to what the Lord is saying. So have you asked God to reveal his purpose for you and then paused to hear what it is he had to say? We've got to do that. Number two is daily time.

Speaker 1:

In his word, we've got to be intentional about the time that we spend with the Lord. The Bible and I'm sure we've all heard this is God's love letter and instruction manual for us. Is God's love letter an instruction manual for us? So when you're confused about your purpose, you can go to the word. For example, in Ephesians 2.10,. It says For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. That's confirmation that he's already designed a purpose for you and me. So just some encouragement here.

Speaker 1:

As we ask ourselves today, let's ask ourselves how can I intentionally grow my relationship with God this week, my relationship with God this week? How can I intentionally grow my relationship with God this week, and am I creating space to hear his voice? Okay, so let's go on to the number two. Number two way, and that is recognizing your unique gifts and passions. So this is the second way to uncover God's purpose is by when we recognize the unique gifts that he's gifted us with and the passions that he's placed within us. Those inner desires that we have are not there just by coincidence. They're not there for no purpose at all. They're there for a reason.

Speaker 1:

In Romans 12, 6 through 8, paul talks about the spiritual gifts. He says when we have, we have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us. So God doesn't make mistakes. The talents, the skills, the passions that you have are not just, like I said, they're not there by accident, they're not random. They are clues that point us toward the purpose, point us to the plans that he has for us. And so maybe you're a great communicator, maybe you're a teacher, maybe you're a good listener, maybe you're an innovative thinker, maybe you're strategic.

Speaker 1:

Whatever the gifts are, these gifts are meant first to glorify God and to serve others. That's something I learned over time. Is that right the gifts that God? Once? I understood some of my gifts. This was at a time when I didn't know all my gifts. I didn't even know my spiritual gifts at this time, but I knew, just like, what some of my strengths were. I knew some of my gifts. You know the things that I enjoyed doing, the things that came natural to me, and I didn't know until later that those really were not for me. Ultimately, they're not really for me. Yes, we enjoy them, we enjoy doing them, and that's the grace of God that he's given us those so that we can enjoy doing them. But ultimately, they are for a purpose bigger than that. They are to glorify him and then they're to serve other people, the people that he's put in our path. It is to serve others. So I want you to you know, as you're thinking through, what are the things that bring me joy, what are my gifts, what are the things that bring me joy, what are my gifts? Understand that these things are not random and they're pointing us closer to the purposes that God has for us. So how can we identify them?

Speaker 1:

Number one we want to reflect on what brings us joy. So what lights your soul on fire? What's what? What lights you up? What do you enjoy doing? What makes what brings you joy right? What fills you? Is it encouraging others? Is it teaching? Is it, um, creating art. You know what is it? Is it organizing?

Speaker 1:

God often uses what we love to fulfill his purpose. He, he can do that. Um, you know, I I wouldn't. I don't think I've seen anyone who's walking in their purpose and they don't enjoy doing it, like they don't love doing it. That I don't think that that doesn't really. That wouldn't line up with with the word of God. It will be something that we enjoy doing. It will be fulfilling. We will love and desire it because it is his desire, his desires in us. So we will love the thing that we are called to.

Speaker 1:

Number two ask others for insight. So sometimes you know the people that we are around most of the time, um, that are where we have close relationships with close friends, family members, mentors um, that's a good opportunity to seek their understanding of what they see in us. Ask those people in your life. What strengths do they see in you? Okay, so that's number two. And then number three is to serve and then experiment with that.

Speaker 1:

So we don't want to wait for the perfect time either. We don't want to wait for perfect clarity. We start serving in small ways and then see how God moves. Purpose often unfolds as you take steps of faith. So, again, we don't want to wait for perfect opportunities. There will never be a perfect opportunity to do the thing he's called you to do.

Speaker 1:

When we take one step, one leap of faith, right, not only are we going to be able to know, right, god will reveal if this isn't the thing that he has for us. Right, if we're on the wrong path, we will know. He will, he will confirm it, he will make it clear, he will make it known. We will lose our peace. Right, we'll be just out of sorts. Um, you, you will be able to know that and he will reveal that. And when you are in the thing that he's called you to, there will be an over, overflowing and overwhelming amount of peace in your heart. Uh, it'll line up with his word. It will be glorifying god and serving others. It will be beyond what you could do on your own and all of those things. Um, but right, we don't want to wait for those opportunities. We don't want to wait for the perfect time when we take one step of faith.

Speaker 1:

The other thing God will do is when we take a step, then he will then reveal a little bit more of this. The next thing that, right, he needs us to do. So just some encouragement. I want you to write down three things you love doing and three areas where you've been told you Excel and then look for patterns with that. You excel and then look for patterns with that. Okay, pray over these and ask god how he wants to use them for his glory. And then the last, the third way, the third powerful way we can know and understand our purpose is by embracing his timing and trusting the process. One of the hardest this is one of the hardest lessons and one of the hardest steps out of the three, I think when we learn in our walk with God is that his timing is not our timing. Right, isaiah 55, eight through nine tells us for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, declares the Lord, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. So sometimes I know we've all been there. I've been there.

Speaker 1:

We get impatient in the wait. We want answers, right, we want to know the next thing. God, show me what to do here. You know when is it going to happen. You know all of these things. We get impatient, but God works in seasons and understanding your purpose often involves seasons of preparation. Maybe it's a season of waiting, a season of pruning, a season of harvest. There are times. There's a time for every season and we've got to trust that he has us right where we need to be. And if we're in a season of waiting, that's usually not to just not do anything. That's usually a time where we could be preparing, we could be learning a thing, we could be taking a training, taking a course, getting maybe one-on-one coaching right. All of those things are something we could be actively doing in the waiting period.

Speaker 1:

So here are three things to remember during this process. Number one is to surrender your timeline. We've got to release the pressure to have it all figured out. Trust that God is guiding your steps, even when you don't see the full picture. We've got to surrender that. We've got to let go of the of the control that you know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it didn't happen on my timeline, so now I'm just I'm going to take over, right, god, you're taking too long. Like I can't wait any longer, like I've got to take care of this now. I mean I can longer, like I've got to take care of this. Now, I mean I can. I am still in that place where I can get to, where, okay, nothing's happening, lord. So what do you want me to do? And then I start doing things out of out of what he asked me to do. Right, he didn't ask me to do that. I took on more than what I needed to and now I'm, you know, maybe getting stressed out. Well, I mean, he didn't ask me to do that, so I kind of brought that on myself. But we need to surrender our timeline. Take the pressure off of yourself. You don't have to have it all figured out. Trust God. He's guiding you, he's with you along the way. Trust his timing.

Speaker 1:

Number two we need to look for God's hand in the present, and so sometimes we're so focused on the thing, on the promise, on the future, on that thing that we're waiting on that we've missed the opportunities God is placing in front of us today. Right, we missed the opportunity to serve somebody you know at a grocery store or at church, or even in our own home. We can get so caught up in the thing that we're waiting on that we miss the opportunities now in the present. And so how can you glorify him right now, where you are. Don't lose those opportunities, because it's those moments as well that we are to. God wants to use us.

Speaker 1:

And then, number three, stay faithful in the little things. Luke 16 10 says whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. So if we're faithful with the small things, if we're faithful with the little assignments, the little things he's given us, he will open up doors for greater things and greater purpose. And I want to leave us just with some encouragement here. If you're in a waiting season, don't lose heart. Remember God is working behind the scenes and he is faithful to complete what he started in you. So I just want to close and recap on what we covered here.

Speaker 1:

We talked about three powerful ways to understand God's purpose for your life. Number one is to strengthen your relationship with God through prayer and his word. Your relationship with God through prayer and his word. Number two recognize your unique gifts and passions as clues to your purpose. And number three embrace God's timing and trust the process.

Speaker 1:

I want to leave you with this. God's purpose for your life isn't a mystery that he's hiding from you. He's not hiding it from us. He wants it Honestly. He wants it more for us than we want it for ourselves, but it's to bring us to closer relationship with him. As we're seeking the thing, as he puts those desires in our hearts, it's ultimately bringing us that much more closer to him and growing with him and relationship with him. He wants you to know it and then walk in it.

Speaker 1:

So take one step today, whether it's spending time in prayer, reflecting on your gifts, right, those passions, those desires that he's put on your heart, those gifts that he's given you, write those down and reflect on them, or trusting him in your waiting season, and then watch how he leads you closer to your calling. If this episode blessed you, I'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts or your testimony with me in the Apple Podcasts comment section, and then don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode. So thanks for joining me today and remember you were created on purpose, for a purpose. Keep seeking Him and I'll see you next time.