Be in His Purpose Podcast | Helping Women Conquer Their Fear Through Faith

How to Heal From Trauma Through Faith

Yvonne Paschal Season 1 Episode 8

What if you could view your past trauma not as a burden, but as a unique opportunity for healing and growth? Join me, Yvonne Paschal, to explore how faith can transform your journey through trauma into an uplifting experience. Together, we'll unpack four vital truths about healing through faith, focusing on how God's word serves as a cornerstone for recovery. I'll guide you through personal stories and scriptural examples that reveal how seeing yourself through God's eyes—as loved, chosen, and redeemed—can lead to profound inner transformation. Through prayer and meditation on scripture, you'll discover a gradual, divinely-timed process of healing that promises peace and fulfillment.

In addition to personal insights, this episode encourages us to extend our newfound faith and courage to others who might benefit from these messages. Whether it's through subscribing, sharing, or joining my email list for weekly doses of inspiration and practical resources, we'll create a supportive community rooted in faith. I also offer one-on-one coaching sessions aimed at helping you step confidently into your God-given purpose. Stay connected on various social platforms, and remember, God’s faithfulness is unwavering. Let's walk this path of healing together, knowing we are never alone.

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Music credit: Music by Mike Kripak from Pixabay

Speaker 1:

Have you ever wondered if God can truly heal the deep wounds of your past? Do you struggle with fear, shame or feelings of being stuck because of the trauma you've experienced? Or maybe you've tried to heal on your own but feel like you're just not making the progress that you hoped for? If any of these questions resonate with you, I want you to stay tuned, because in this episode, we'll explore how faith in God can bring healing and restoration even to the most broken parts of your life. But before we dive in, let me introduce myself for those of you who are new here. My name is Yvonne Paschal and I'm a faith and resilience coach. I'm also a certified Christian life coach and I help Christian women who've experienced past abuse and trauma, coaching and encouraging them to conquer fear and shift to faith, get clarity in their calling, learn how to hear from God and then step boldly into their God-given purpose. So this episode is titled how to Heal from Trauma Through Faith. Now, trauma is something you know many of us have faced and it can look very different to many different people. Right, there's different types of trauma and different experiences that I'm sure most of us have, at one point in our life, have experienced some form of trauma and it can leave us, you know, feeling broken, unworthy, hurt and stuck in a cycle of pain. But here's the good news God is our healer. And so Psalm 147.3 says he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Isn't it good to know that the Lord will heal your wounds. He sees your wounds, he sees your pain and he is with the brokenhearted. The Bible tells us that.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to talk about three key truths about healing through faith. Number one God's word is the foundation of our healing. So spending time in scripture, you know, can really help a person see themselves as God sees you. He sees you as loved, he sees you as chosen and redeemed. When we can meditate on these verses and allow them to do the inner work within us, that is where we can then find true healing. Right, the word is alive and it is active. The Bible tells us that God's word doesn't turn um was it say. God's word doesn't return void. So his entire word is his promise, it is the very breath of God. So we can expect and be confident to know that the word itself can bring healing upon us.

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And so, in Isaiah 61, one, it tells us that Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free. So when we, so when we can see in scripture, you know, how others have handled their brokenness or their pain and their healing, we can look at them and one relate and then we can trust and know that right, those in scripture who have walked through the thing, including right, right, and we can even relate this to Jesus, jesus himself, who who took on everything that we would then take on in life. So Jesus himself experienced trauma. Jesus himself was abused and rejected and everything that you can think of. He went through for us on our behalf. So we can look at those in scripture and then one relate with them and then see, like, how they were able to get from where they were to the end of the story right, which is they overcame, and their story was used for greater things beyond what we could understand. So we can see that in the life of Job, we can see that in the life of Joseph and we can relate more with their stories of hurt and pain and see again how they walk through that and how they overcame over time and how the Lord used them, used their story and their pain for a much greater purpose.

Speaker 1:

So number two key truth here about healing through faith is by spending time with the Lord and in prayer for our healing. So he will take us through the process of our healing and I really believe that it's just in the right amounts. Just enough of what we can handle in a particular season. Just enough of what we can handle in a particular season. If you ever noticed how right, if there's something that you've been healed from, it wasn't something that was rushed upon you or forced upon you. It was over a period of time and it was actually in the right time for in the right season for that thing to be healed. The Lord is not one. He will not rush it, he will not force it. He will be gentle and understanding in the process. So I believe that praying bold prayers and having others pray over us is powerful when it comes to our healing. And you know, being able to identify also with our pain instead of simply settling with it is something else that we, you know we want to do when it comes to our healing.

Speaker 1:

Healing, and you know, there was a time in my life when the Lord, you know, brought me to a place of solitude, and just that alone time with him for over a period of time. And you know what it really taught me how to be alone with myself, how to be alone with the Lord and how to be okay with that. That was an area, you know, there was something in that time of healing, and he knew that there was an area that needed, you know, some inner work. It needed some inner healing. So, you know, he was stripping off the need of me, thinking I needed, right, someone, something to fill that space or that emptiness or that silence, but just to be still with him, that was, that was all I needed. And so he allowed that for over a period of time. And you know, I can honestly say now that being in that place of solitude and that silence and that stillness with the Lord, I really enjoy that now, whereas before I didn't. You know it really it wasn't settled, it wasn't healed, so I didn't enjoy it, but now I do. And so, um, you know, it was really that time, that period of my life, where, um, he needed to do, um, what only he could do, and now I, just, like I said, I really enjoy that time.

Speaker 1:

So, number three key truth about healing through faith is that healing is a process and we need to give ourselves grace in this area. You see, god often works through seasons and he will do it in his timing of seasons of healing. So it's okay if you know your progress feels slow. It's okay to feel that his timing right. Of course it's not our timing, it is his timing and we don't fall into the Lord's time Like we're beyond. He's beyond our time and so, but we can trust his timing. So we've got to surrender our pain and if we need to do that daily, that's what we need to do Surrender your pain to him daily and trust that he is working all things together for your good.

Speaker 1:

God's timing is perfect. For your good God's timing is perfect and I know from my own life that he will give me the thing I need healing at just the right time, you know when he knows that I can handle that particular area. So, again, going back to the God will not force something upon us, he will not rush something upon us. It will be literally the perfect time when I needed that, when he knew I could handle that and be able to process it as well. So, like all of that encompassing is is the perfect time, and so he will do that in that particular area. And I will also start to notice, um, typically, when, when the Lord wants to take me through a time of healing, I've become to realize in the last, you know, three or four years, when I began to study in prophetic dream interpretation is that he will begin to give me dreams, or recurring dreams of me, you know, using the restroom, maybe finding a bathroom, or like washing my hands or a shower, something like that. Or like washing my hands or a shower, something like that, because typically, you know, restrooms and bathrooms, you know, really symbolize a cleansing process, needs to occur, or that he wants us to walk into a cleansing process. It's literally like the symbol of, you know, washing away the old or releasing something that may be harmful or toxic in us to make us whole, to make us new, to go through a healing process.

Speaker 1:

So, just to take it a step further and just be a little bit more transparent here, the Lord for me in this season, has been showing me in my dreams recently of an area of unresolved anger. Now he's taken me through a process of that. So don't have all the answers right now, but I do know that there is an area of anger that he wants to resolve in my life. So what happens is in my dreams, I'm noticing that there will be situations where I respond. You know, I react in anger, or maybe I'm yelling at someone or something.

Speaker 1:

There is that, that right. There is a symbol, um, there is that, that right. There is a symbol, especially the recurring side of it. Um, you know, that symbolizes to me that he is, he wants to take me through an area of unresolved anger, um, and it will be over a period of time, but he, right now it's definitely something that is surfacing in this season that he wants to do some work, surfacing in this season that he wants to do some work. So you know, but you can guarantee that if, if God spoke it, um, if he showed it to you, you can guarantee that he will be faithful to his word and to his promises. So, uh, you know, you can come expecting that the lord is going to show up and do do his work.

Speaker 1:

Um, number four in god's faithfulness is, excuse me, number four is god's faithfulness never fails. Trust and know that our past doesn't define us. It doesn't define us If we are in Christ and we are a new creation, then we can lean into his promise and know that he can turn your pain into purpose. So my past mistakes, your past mistakes, you know the people I've hurt as including myself right does not define who I am. I can, I will not and I cannot hold on to that as my identity. That is no longer. That is no longer who we are. When, when I accepted, or you accepted, christ as your Redeemer and your Savior, your sins were washed away and you are no longer bound by your sin Because Christ now lives in you and we are made in the image of God and we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. So we no longer live in our past. We are in Christ and we are to be becoming more and more like him, every single day, right, every moment, from glory to glory. We are becoming more like him. We don't have to hold on to that anymore. Okay, so those are just four keys. Those are just four keys to find healing from trauma through faith.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to equip you and share with you a resource that will help you take the first step toward healing and then stepping into bold confidence. So I've created a freebie just for you. It's called the Confidence Building Toolkit your Identity in Christ Starter Pack. So what's inside the toolkit? So what you're going to get in the toolkit is 25 printable biblical affirmations to remind you of who God says you are. You're also going to get a guided prayer to release any insecurities and embrace confidence in Christ. And then you're also going to get a who God says I am worksheet for reflection and practical application. So I want you to go grab your free toolkit. It's my gift to you and you'll find the link down below in the comments, and I pray it will bless you on your journey.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much for joining me today on the Be In His Purpose podcast.

Speaker 1:

If this episode encouraged you, I'd love for you to share it with a friend who may need a reminder of God's faithfulness in their healing journey. So be sure to share that. And then don't forget to like, leave a comment and subscribe so you never miss an episode. If you're looking for more encouragement or practical tools and actual actionable steps to step into your God-given purpose or even getting clarity within your calling, I want you to head over to beinhispurposecom. Forward, slash Jolene and get on my email list. There you're going to be receiving weekly encouragement, inspiration, discounts and freebies. It's the perfect way to stay connected, and if you'd like more resources or you know that you're ready to dive into one-on-one coaching, go visit my website at theinhispurposecom forward slash coaching to get started, and you can also connect with me on the different social platforms, which I'll leave in the comments below. So, ladies, remember God is with you and his faithfulness never fails. Until next time, stay strong, be encouraged and keep walking in your purpose.